The Cleaning Team You Don't Have To Worry About

Turner Building Maintenance is here to serve you, the cleaning partners you never have to worry about.

Why Turner building Maintenance

We’re the best in the business.

For over 13 years, we have been the leading commercial cleaning team for Sacramento Area Businesses. Our team is built on core values designed to ensure you never have to worry about your cleaners again.

Co-Owner John Doe


Head Toilet Scrubber.

Co-Owner Jane Doe


Teresa is the best Supervisor. She's who's really in charge and very helpful!

Co-Owner Jane DoeCo-Owner Jane Doe


Rae is our awesome Admin!
Rae and Teresa are in contention for who is really in charge......

Ready To Make A Change With Your Cleaning?

Let's help you say goodbye to your underperforming cleaning crew and focus on what matters most to your business. Get in touch today!

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